Dear OVE Families,
Our Staff Underground Spirit week was such a fun way to end the month of January! The adults enjoyed dressing up, and once the kids caught on, they really enjoyed coming each morning and trying to figure out the theme for the day. I love that we have a staff that is so eager to participate and make school such a fun place for the children to learn and grow.
We are still four kernels away from reaching our Poppin’ Into the New Year attendance challenge goal of 14 days with a school wide attendance rate of 96% or higher. Once we hit our mark, we will celebrate with a school wide popcorn party.
Your k-2 grade student has recently completed the NWEA Map growth assessment. Be on the lookout for printouts that will be sent home sometime this week.
School Counselors Appreciation week is celebrated the first week in February. We are lucky to have Mrs. Palmer as a valuable member of our team at OVE. If you get a chance to drop her a message of thanks or a note of appreciation, it would be greatly appreciated.
A couple fun upcoming events to highlight include:
February 8th: PTO Ice Skating at NIBSCO from 6:30-8:00 at NIBCO
February 10th -14th: Healthy Heart Challenge in Gym Class
February 10th-21st: High Ability Universal Screen (K-2)
February 28th: Dress as Your Favorite Book Character: Reading Celebration and Parade
We will also be participating in the South Bend Cubs Reading Club during the month of March, and having our PTO Carnival Fun Night on Friday, March 14th. More information will be sent home about both events.
Thank you for all that you continue to do to support your students and our school!
Fly Eagles Fly,
Mr. Martin, Principal